Asegurar el éxito educativo de todo el alumnado, prevenir el abandono escolar temprano y evitar todo tipo de situaciones que pongan en riesgo el bienestar emocional de las personas, constituyen una máxima en cualquier sistema educativo de calidad. Nuestro proyecto se construye en base a estos pilares fundamentales. Son múltiples los elementos que influyen directamente en este objetivo, aunque consideramos que la mejora del clima escolar a través de un buen plan de convivencia que tenga como referencia los valores de la escuela inclusiva, la importancia de los espacios como escenarios de aprendizaje y la elección de las metodologías más adecuadas para favorecer aprendizajes experienciales y significativas, capaces de desarrollar competencias clave del alumnado, son tal vez las piedras angulares para conseguir el deseado éxito y pleno crecimiento personal de nuestros estudiantes.
Desarrollar estrategias a nivel de centro, promovidas desde el liderazgo pedagógico y de gestión de los equipos directivos se convierte, de este modo, en un objetivo estratégico de primer orden. El hecho de conocer prácticas de éxito en centros de nuestro entorno europeo, no sólo ayuda a construir ciudadanía europea y espíritu de colaboración y trabajo en equipo, sino que capacita a sus beneficiarios (instituciones de envío y acogida) a movilizar y/o desarrollar competencias imprescindibles para el desempeño docente, al tiempo que promueve la innovación, la investigación educativa y la asunción de retos colectivos de mejora de la calidad de nuestras instituciones.
En las movilidades propuestas en nuestro proyecto participarán 8 profesionales que responden, en su inmensa mayoría, a perfiles directivos. Hemos incorporado también la figura de una docente y de un formador, de modo que todo el abanico docente está representado en el proyecto.
Para las movilidades hemos optado por la modalidad de estancias formativas en instituciones de acogida cuyas señas de identidad y líneas estratégicas de trabajo están directamente relacionadas con los ejes temáticos y los objetivos de nuestro proyecto. Así, destacan tanto su disparidad geográfica -con la que hemos intentado abarcar una gran variedad de culturas y realidades- como la naturaleza de las mismas, figurando entre ellas tanto centros escolares como un centro de formación de similares características a las de la institución coordinadora del consorcio.

Como resultado de todo este trabajo común, esperamos que nuestras instituciones puedan incorporar a sus proyectos educativos de centro medidas consensuadas con la comunidad educativa que refuercen aspectos claves que inciden en el éxito educativo del alumnado, tales como la cultura y valores inclusivos, la mejora del clima escolar, la atención a los espacios de aprendizaje, convirtiendo los centros en lugares amables que inviten a explorar con curiosidad y a la convivencia y participación de toda la comunidad educativa. También tenemos altas expectativas en relación a la implementación de enfoques metodológicos innovadores y centrados en quienes aprenden y en un incremento del uso educativo de las TIC en los centros.

A largo plazo, confiamos en la consolidación y sostenibilidad de los cambios que se produzcan como resultado de este proyecto y en contribuir desde él a generar nuevos ejemplos de buenas prácticas que sirvan de hoja de ruta para la mejora de la calidad educativa.
Ensuring educational success of all students, preventing early school leaving and avoidising all kinds of situations that put at risk the emotional well-being of people, are top priorities in any quality education system.
Our project is build on the basis of these key pillars. There are multiple elements directly related to this objective. We believe, though, that some of them are perhaps the cornerstones to achieve these goals, assuring full personal growth of our students. Among them we can highlight god coexistence plans to improve positive environment at schools deeply rooted in inclusive values, the importance of spaces as learning scenarios and the choice of the most suitable methodologies to foster experiential and meaningful learning, capable of developing student key competences.
Developing school strategies from pedagogical and management leaders becomes a top strategic objective. The fact of being able to get acquainted with successful practice in this context, helps not only to build European citizenship and a spirit of collaboration and temwork, but also enables all institutions -both sending and host ones- to mobilize and develop key professional competences, absolutely essential for teaching performance. At the same time, all these experiences promote innovation, educational research and boost institutions to assume new collective challenges to improve their quality.
Most of the staff that will take part in the mobilities belong to school management teams. We have also incorporated a teacher and an in-service teacher advisor to the group in order to have a entire range of teaching representatives in our project.
For all mobilities, we have chose job shadowing activities at institutions whose identity and strategic action lines are directly related to our project objectives and observation goals. Two features have been relevant in our choice. Firstly, we would their geographical disparity, through which we have tried to cover a wide variety of cultures and realities to enrich our experience and, secondly, the different nature of the institutions themselves, including both schools -Primary and Secondary- and a training centre similar to ours.
Providing a common ground framework before, during and after the mobilities, and doing so in a standardized and systematic way in all the member centres, will be decisive in methodological terms within the consortium. Thus, in order to achieve the highest levels of coordination we will hold regular face-to-face meetings where all members can share their progress. We will also gather all resources and materials produced within the project through online digital tools and will register evidence of all learning outcomes and expertise gained by using common evaluation tools, such as portfolios and learning journals. For communication with partner institutions we will use both the eTwinning platform and other digital communication tools that allow us to maintain a virtual contact throughout the project and encourage participation and cooperation in other collaborative projects in the future.
As a result of all this common work, we hope that our institutions can incorporate into their educational projects a series of measures directly discussed with the educational community, reinforcing this way key aspects that affect the educational success of students, such as culture and inclusive values, improvement of school environment, attention to learning spaces, turning centers into friendly places inviting exploration, curiosity and coexistence and participation of the entire educational community. We also have high expectations regarding the implementation of innovative methodological approaches focused on learners and we expect as well an increase in the educational use of ICT in schools.
As the coordinating institution of the consortium whose main target is teacher training, we expect very positive results in this respect as well. We trust that this project will increase the motivation and teamwork of the teaching staff, their interest in lifelong learning and permanent professional update. We also expect that numerous training initiatives will merge from it, both within the schools themselves and from the CPR. We stronly believe they will all be very helpful to broaden our knowledge on these issues and, above all, to inspire and motivate other schools to go on self-assessment and improvement processes.
In the long term, we trust in the consolidation and sustainability of the changes resulting from this projects and hope it contributes to generate new examples of good practices becoming a roadmap for the improvement of educational quality.
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